Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Why is Solar Used As an Alternative Energy Source?

why is solar used as an alternative energy

The benefits of solar energy are clear. It has low operational costs and requires no fuel supply, making it a very affordable alternative energy source. In addition, it can generate large amounts of electricity without requiring a fuel supply. And, if you want to make solar panels your main source of energy, there are several options available, from passive solar home design to concentrated solar thermal power. Let’s see how solar works and why it is becoming more popular.


The US Department of Energy (DOE) has launched new initiatives to advance the use of photovoltaics as an alternative energy source. The DOE has set commercial readiness goals for photovoltaic technology through research centers and new commercial applications, including concentrator technology. A recent study found that crystalline silicon modules are subject to a regular degradation rate of 0.8% to 1.0% per year. The research centers are aimed at demonstrating system feasibility and the applicability of photovoltaics in the intermediate sector.

Although PV has several disadvantages, its widespread use could be beneficial to the environment and combat global warming by reducing emissions. It also can help to combat CO2 emissions. It is possible to scale up production of photovoltaic systems in the future, but the industry needs more funding and technological development. Although the Earth’s crust contains a lot of silicon, other materials are needed to make PV systems. Lack of labor and competition for land use are also major constraints.

Concentrating solar-thermal power

Converting solar heat to electricity is a fundamental principle of concentrated solar-thermal power. The sun’s direct photons do not get scattered by the atmosphere. This type of energy is known as direct normal irradiance and is available in high and subtropical areas. A parabolic trough system used to collect sunlight can also be used to generate steam. Steam can then be used to power solar steam engines.

There are several different types of CSP systems available. Utility-scale CSP plants can be large, high-volume plants or small, distributed systems. Utility-scale CSP plants use multiple mirrors to focus sunlight onto a central tower, which acts as a receiver. However, there are also smaller systems that can be installed directly where power is required. These single dish/engine systems are capable of producing 5 to 25 kW.

Passive solar home design

If you’re building a new home or remodeling an existing one, passive solar home design is a smart choice. It can significantly reduce construction costs and provide natural heating and cooling for your home. With the cost of energy rising, passive solar design has become more popular than ever. Here are the benefits of passive solar home design. It can improve livability and the value of your home. And best of all, it’s environmentally friendly!

A passive solar home uses the energy from the sun, wind, and other natural sources to heat or cool the interior or exterior of a building. Because it doesn’t need mechanical or electrical devices to work, passive solar homes have higher insulation values and less air infiltration. Using new construction methods, passive solar homes can be even more energy-efficient than conventional homes. The key to passive solar design is planning for the summer and winter seasons.


As a major player in the global energy sector, solar power has historically been expensive. However, as the industry’s cost has come down in recent years, its prices are now competitive with those of traditional fossil fuel-based electricity. According to the solar office, it is now possible to purchase utility-scale solar for less than $0.06/kWh. In fact, the cost of solar electricity has dropped by as much as 70% since 2010 compared to its earlier level.

The initial demand for solar panels for satellites led to a virtuous cycle in which prices dropped as more panels were produced. As solar continued to gain adoption beyond niche markets, costs continued to fall as the technology improved and economies of scale kicked in. Today, utility-scale solar arrays are the cheapest of all the alternative energy technologies. The cost of a new wind farm has also dropped by seventy-one percent in the past decade.

<p>The post Why is Solar Used As an Alternative Energy Source? first appeared on Old Solar Panels.</p>

source https://oldsolarpanels.com/why-is-solar-used-as-an-alternative-energy-source-4/

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